You’ve been kidnapped by the Moon people!

You’ve been kidnapped by the Moon people!

PINKCORE’s mobile game of depravity, Daraku Gear, is releasing its Mid-autumn limited event “Lunar Enigma”, and brand-new tachies of the game’s two most popular Senkis: Ryu and Luna!

Cruelty... Malice...

What shall the full moon bring tonight?

Battle-hardened, a gang of Gears take flight!

And Ekram, taken in the cover of night, prepares to fight...

War is brewing on a lunar landscape!

Sign in for 7 days, get a free Pervert Memory Key!

Players who log in for 7 days during the Lunar Enigma can claim the extremely rare Pervert Memory Key. Use this bad-boy to unlock naughty, deviant scenes.

During Lunar Enigma, collect enough Scepter Spice to claim 30 Recruit Passes and 4,000,000 Credit. There are also plenty Evolve and Upgrade materials, exclusive event profile icons, and more

Luna - The Oousagi

After passing through a mirror portal, this Luna from another dimension became commander of the Lunar fleet, but still possesses that stubbornly willful personality!


Ryu - Lunar Artemis

A Ryu from a parallel dimension has settled on our moon and named herself Princess of the Moon. With no man of her own and deeply self-restrained behavior, a whole new world of pleasure unfolds before her the day she stumbles upon Ekram!

Daraku Gear

Daraku Gear 人氣遊戲